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Circle Genealogic and Historic Champanellois

Association "Law 1901" of Saint-Genès-Champanelle, 63 , France

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Longevity by village noted of 1851 to 1900


age of the most advanced death noted for the seized sample


Theix 100 years (1 death) identity 212
Nadaillat 100 years (1 death) identity 325
Fontfreyde 100 years (1 death) identity 471
Manson 98 years (1 death) 370
Pardon 96 years (1 death) 105
Laschamps 96 years (1 death) 258
Chatrat 95 years (1 death) 95
Berzet 94 years (2 deaths) 143
Champeaux 93 years (1 death) 26
Thèdes 93 years (1 death) 103
Beaune 93 years (1 death) 286
Saint-Genès bourg 88 years (1 death) 60

result : 3 official centenaries out of 2480 deaths

that is to say an average of 1 out of 826 between 1851 and 1900.

Remarkable fact :

They are three women, born all the three, on the commune of Aydat

and which took husband of Saint-Genès-Champanelle.

* [ return to the welcome page ] * [ consult the patronyms ] *

* [ to consult the statistics by village ] * [ return to good answers ] *


listed crosses 59
old postcards of the commune 156
old postcards except commune 47
old postcards of Puy de Dôme 118
associations listed on the commune 186
Gordon-Bennett Cup 74


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