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Cercle Généalogique et Historique Champanellois

Association "Loi 1901" de Saint-Genès-Champanelle, 63 , France

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Registers of grievancces of the village of Laschamps of the commune of Saint-Genès-Champanelle (63) FRANCE

This transcription was made by Mr. MEGE Francisque starting from the original documents.

The complaintes and remonstrances of the inhabitants of the village of Laschamps are much succint that those of the other villages. They do not claim to change place of justice in order to move under the jurisdiction of Clermont instead of Riom. They draw then the attention of the sovereign to the poverty of the ground and thus of the inhabitants of the village. They indicate that those draw some thanks to their small industry but without specifying of which industry its acts.

One learns the name there from the lord of the manor from Beaumont and Laschamps : Girard Anthême Thoury

* [ see the registers of grievances ] * [ back to the patrimony page ] *

* [ back to the welcome page ] * [ vedere le storie degli villaggi ] * [ vedere la storia del villaggio di Laschamps ] *


listed crosses 59
old postcards of the commune 156
old postcards except commune 47
old postcards of Puy de Dôme 118
associations listed on the commune 186
Gordon-Bennett Cup 74


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