Circle Genealogic and Historic Champanellois Association "Law 1901" of Saint-Genès-Champanelle, 63 , France |
History of the village of Theix
THEIX, village, commune of
Saint-Genès-Champanelle. Teix, 1687, 1789.
- Celtic period. In the castle park, a the moving stone is known as stone wobbly. - The cure was at the appointment of the chapter of Saint-Genès de Clermont before 1789. St. Gene he was, at the time, the head of the parish. -Gentlemen. Pierre de Cisternes, lord of Theix, Vinzelles, Fontfreyde, Nadaillat, Malsaigne, elected in the election of Clermont, died February 3 1663, departure of Marie Vachier, his wife: Etienne de Cisternes, squire, lord of Theix, Vinzelles, Banssat, Nadaillat, Plaisance, Fontfreyde, President of the AIDS Court of Clermont in 1667, married to Françoise de Ribeyre, including Pierre, knight, baron of Theix, lord of Vinzelles, Banssat, Nadaillat, Fontfreyde, Bacon, Bonnac, born in Clermont in 1660, died in this city in 1733, president of the aid court of this city in 1690, married to Henriette-Élisabeth Le Verrier, of whom: Nicolas-François, knight, baron of Theix, lord of Vinzelles, Frontfreyde, Nadaillat, born 1703, received president at the court of the adjutants of Clermont in 1731, married 1736, to Perette Rollet de Lauriat; they died childless in 1754. His sister Marie got married, in 1719, Jean François Dauphin, knight, lord de Leyval, Montrodès, Attorney General at the Court of Clermont helps; after the death of her brother, she inherited the land of Theix. which she donated to her daughter Marguerite Dauphin de Montrodès, married to Pierre-Gilbert-Philippe de Veyny d'Arbouse, Marquis of Villemont, page to the king in his large stable, bailiff of Montpensier; he was Lord of Theix in 1789. Mr. Franc Chauvassaignes, General Counsel of the Puy-de-Dôme, is the current owner of the castle of Theix. - Biography. Champfort (Sébastien-Roch-Nicolas), literator, born at the Château de Theix in 1711, natural son of Mrs. Dauphin de Montrodès, lady of Theix, and Mr. Nicolas, canon of the cathedral of Clermont, received member of the French Academy in 1781, was the secretary of Mrs. Elisabeth, librarian of the library national in 1792. He committed suicide in Paris in 1794. His works (comedies, tragedies, thoughts) have been reunited several times. The best edition is that of 1884-1825, 5 vol. in-8°. V. Hist. of the city of Clermont-Ferrand, by A. Tardieu, t. II, p 214, 215, genealogy of the house Cisterns. -Chabrol, Cout. d'Auvergne, t. iv, p. 823. -Calendar of Auvergne, 1762. - Feudal names, by Dom Bettencourt. |
extract of Grand dictionnaire historique du département du Puy-de-Dôme of Ambroise TARDIEU, 1877.
The field of the castle of Theix
One of the owners of the castle had installed on the property a pisciculture intented for the alevin breeding.
The electric factory
The owner of the castle had made build "an electricfactory" which produced electricity thanks to two turbines with water supplied by the ponds of the castle. He had granted the privilege tohis employees living Theix, to use a bulb to light, which made of Theix the first village of Auvergne have electricity, non-existent equipment in the countryside at this time. |
* [ see the page devoted to the electric factory ] *
The telegraph of Theix
A birth certificate on November 20, 1861, teaches us the birth of a girl named Marie whose father Claude Jean FRETY, 34 years, is at the time supervisor of the telegraph of Clermont-Ferrand with Ussel. Her mother named TOURRY Anne and she is 22 years old whenshe is confined of her child. The telegraph thuis had a supervisor with Theix along the national road 89. Others supervisors, with regular intervals were to probably take care of the correct operation of this tool of communication. |
A few people knows the existence of this
megalith which rests lengthened close the entry of the
cemetery of Theix. It consists of pozzolana
which is a stone far from dense whereas the other
menhirs of the departement are done evrything of
granit or basalt. One can notice three christian
cosses engraved which tends to make suppose
that one has to try to christianyse it. They are students
in history come from Clermont-Ferrand, at the end of the 19th century,
which recalled to the inhabitants of Theix its
presence which had been almost lost. They had found the
trace of this monument in texts which we alas did not find until now the references. This megalith even failde within sight of its modesty being put at the discharge at the time of road works specified us one living Theix, but thanks to the intervention of volontary people, it found its place habituelle close to the entry of the cemetery. |
The national road 89 in Theix
panel indicator of the beginning of the XXth century. |
Dairies of Theix
The first diary was what of the castle, two others made it competition, that of family TOURY and that named Laiterie of the mountain. The latter was just behind current bakery. When the legislation imposed the pasteurization of milk, it used a very artisanal process : the cooling in the brook Auzon. One heated beforehand milk in cans then one abruptly immersed them in the brook to carry out pasteurization. The dairy of the castle, "more modern", used a specific apparatus as one can see it on the postcard praising the quality of his milk. |
* [ see analysis of the postcard of the dairy of the castle ] *
The chair
At the southern exit of Theix in direction of Nadaillat, one can see from the road, a large rock which the children had the practice to call "the chair". |
The "coursière" (way) of Theix to the borough of Saint-Genès-Champanelle
Close to the pharmacy of Theix, an attentive observer would have noticed a narrow passage of approximately one meter, wedged between two nettings which leaves in direction the ponds the castle. It acts of the departure of the "coursière" who allows the inhabitants of Theix, moreover more than one hundred years according to some, to go to foot of their village to the borough of Saint-Genès-Champanelle while reducing to just the distance to traverse, without making the outer loop of the secondary road. The "coursière" crosses the park of the castle while going along the ponds, then the old farm and goes up then, always framed by two barriers, to join the MINOR ROAD52 little after the entry of the I.N.R.A. |
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* [see the old postcards of Theix ] *
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listed crosses | 59 |
old postcards of the commune | 156 |
old postcards except commune | 47 |
old postcards of Puy de Dôme | 118 |
associations listed on the commune | 186 |
Gordon-Bennett Cup | 74 |
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