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Circle Genealogic and Historic Champanellois

Association "Law 1901" of Saint-Genès-Champanelle, 63 , France

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Presentation of the population


It counted 2465 inhabitants at the time of the census of 1991 :

that is to say a density of 48 inhabitants to Km2.

Fontfreyde : 418 h, Manson : 394 h, Berzet : 351 h, Theix : 244 h,
Laschamps : 238 h, Beaune : 136 h, Pardon : 128 h, Chatrat: 122 h,
Saint-Genès-Champanelle (Bourg): 168 h, Nadaillat : 117 h,
Thèdes : 79 h, Champeaux : 70 h

At the time of the census of 1999, the number of inhabitants amounted to 2688 :

[For the census of 1999, l'INSEE did not distinguish the population from the villages.]

that is to say a profit of 223 inhabitants and a density of 52 inhabitants to Km2.

Small fast graph of the demographic trends (nonlinear)

The commune had already at the twentyth century reached 2000 inhabitants.
Its population fell until reaching a hollow in 1946, then it is noted that it goes up
and certainly soon will cross the bar of the 3000 inhabitants in the years to come.


Socio-professional demography of Saint-Genès-Champanelle

The table above shows us the evolution of the social and economic categories situated
on the commune since the census of 1962.

It should be noted that in 1982, the nomenclature of the professionnal categories of l'INSEE changed

A graphic seen for each 6 catégory is much more speaking.

  Their number was divided by 6,7.

Second category behind the workmen in 1962, in 1999, they represented nothing any more but 2,06 % of the working population.

  Since 1962, their number doubled, but they represent only 4,71 % of the working population. 1975 marked a strong increase in their installation whereas they have been attracted little befor by our commune but it is the retreat since 1982.
  Absent in 1962, the senior executive flowed especially since 1982 but do not work inevitably on the commune. They represented in 1999, 15,59 % of the working population.
  The professions intermediate or junior staff settled in a regular way untill taking the first places expressed in a percentage with 30,88%.
  The employed although having incomes less raised tha the 3 preceding categories are in second position behind the intermadiate professions. One notes a strong acceleration since 1975.
  The workmen were a long time the first social and economic category installed on the commune; that is certainly because of the industrial history of Clermont-Ferrand which, through the factories Michelin and Bergougnan, always supportted on the state of farmer with workman of the populations of the villages close to the agglomeration clermontoise. Often, the workmen, once returned on their premises, mainly began a second day in the firm behaviour with their wives and thus had a second auxiliary income. They in 1999, passed tothe 3rd rank.
One can notice that the farmers and the workmen in 1962 accounted for 82,5% of the population alone becaude they resulted from the stock families of the villages of the commune. The other categories settled while coming from the ouside of the commune and their number does nothing but grow.

Other notice important, although the last POS (Plan d'Occupation des Sols) created new zones constructible zones, those nevertheless restricted, support a real inflation which favours certain social and economic categories at the detriment of those having the low incomes.

You said evolution ?

One sees clearly that the green zone vofthe farmers does not cease decreasing. The blue the workmen progressed until 1975 then decreased.Only the zones yellow and red of the employees and the junior staff creased regulary since 1962. The craftsmen accelarate their lost since 1990.

Comparison with the departmental socio-professional population

The comparative table between Saint-Genès-Champanelle and the department of Puy-de-Dôme, after the census of 1990, shows 2 substancial differences : the percentage offarmers is 2 points below the departmental average what shows that the agricultural page was indded turned. The percentages of the other categories shows that the side dormitory town of the commune became a reality impossible to circumvent. Only amusing point, the fact that the catégorie 2 of the craftsmen tends to show the creation of a local fabric of craft industry, this one accompanying makes of it the installation ofthe other categories which create requirement in local services.

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last update september 9, 2002


listed crosses 59
old postcards of the commune 156
old postcards except commune 47
old postcards of Puy de Dôme 118
associations listed on the commune 186
Gordon-Bennett Cup 74


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